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  • Tags - #omega 3
    • Last updated 02.04.2022
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Omega-3 fatty acids are nutrients gained from food (or supplements) that help the body develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in many parts of the body, particularly in the brain, retina, and sperm cells. However, because the body cannot create omega-3 on its own, people must acquire it from the diet. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are lipids found in plants and sea life. Two important ones, EPA and DHA, are found largely in several fish. Another omega-3 fatty acid found in plant sources such as nuts and seeds is ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). DHA concentrations are particularly high in the retina (eye), brain, and sperm cells. They provide numerous great health advantages for both your body and brain. 


Here are the most important benefits you can get from it:

  1. They serve as an energy source and support in the proper functioning of your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system. [1]
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids may aid in the prevention and treatment of sadness and anxiety. [1]
  3. Getting enough omega-3 fatty acids may help protect your eyes. [2]
  4. A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent prostate cancer. [3]
  5. Getting enough omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and early childhood is crucial to your child's growth. [1]
  6. They can help children with ADHD. [2]
  7. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to lower chronic inflammation, which has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and a variety of other disorders. [2]
  8. In persons with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, omega-3 fatty acids reduce liver fat. [1]
  9. Omega-3 fatty acids may help protect against Alzheimer's disease and dementia, as well as slow the onset of memory loss associated with aging. [2]
  10. Menstrual discomfort can be reduced with omega-3 fatty acids, which may be more helpful than ibuprofen. [2]


Most health organizations recommend that adults consume 250–500 mg of combined EPA and DHA to maintain their overall health. For men, the RDA for alpha-linolenic acid is 1.6 grams per day, and for women, it is 1.1 grams per day.

Fish oil is a popular omega-3 supplement. Taking omega-3 pills with a fat-containing diet can enhance absorption. So people may choose to consume fish oil during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.



1. Ashley. (n.d.). “14 Foods High In Omega-3 Fatty Acids”. Retrieved from Verywellhealth.com: 


2. Harvard. (n.d.). “Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution”. Retrieved from Harvard.edu: 


3. NIH. (n.d.). “7 Things To Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids”. Retrieved from Nih.gov: https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/tips/things-to-know-about-omega-fatty-acids