• ablelab
    • Last updated 28.03.2022
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Copper is a nutrient that your body requires in trace quantities in order to function properly.   It is found in all human tissues and helps in the production of red blood cells as well as the maintenance of nerve cells and the immune system.

The liver, brain, heart, kidneys, and skeletal muscle contain the majority of the body's copper. It also assists in the formation of collagen, the absorption of iron, and the production of energy.

Both too much and too little copper can have an effect on how the brain functions. Menkes, Wilson's, and Alzheimer's disease have all been associated with copper abnormalities. Although the deficiency is uncommon, it can lead to cardiovascular disease and other complications.


Here are the most important benefits you can get from copper:

  1. Copper is crucial for the protection of collagen and elastin, two primary structural components of our bodies.
  2. It absorbs iron and transports it throughout our bodies.
  3. It functions with iron to help the body produce red blood cells.
  4. Copper may potentially have antioxidant properties. It may help in the reduction of free radical production.
  5. It prevents cells from damage.
  6. It is crucial in the regulation of heart rate and blood pressure.
  7. It helps in the formation and maintenance of bone, connective tissue, and organs like the brain and heart.


Your body doesn't require much copper, but if you're lacking, your health may deteriorate. As you become older, you require more. Copper's Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for adults is 900 mcg.

Consuming copper-containing foods is a simple strategy to ensure enough copper intake. Copper can be found in shellfish and organ meats such as the liver. Copper can also be obtained from the consumption of vegetables, grains, and seeds.

People who have adequate iron levels can nonetheless be anemic. If blood tests reveal that you are deficient in copper, your doctor may advise you to take supplements. Copper supplements are available in the form of pills and capsules. Copper can also be obtained intravenously or through your veins. Copper and zinc supplements should not be taken at the same time; they should be taken at least 2 hours apart.


1. Daniel. (n.d.). “Risks And Benefits Of Copper In Light Of New Insights Of Copper Homeostasis”. Retrieved from Pubmd.gov: 


2. Maja. (n.d.). “6 Copper Health Benefits + Sources, Intake & Dangers” Retrieved from Selfdecode.com: 


3. NIH. (n.d.). “Copper” Retrieved from Nih.gov: 
